What We Do

Our primary goals are to support the South Lakes administration, teachers, and staff in providing a hospitable environment for learning, to help facilitate communication with our SLHS families, and to provide praise and recognition for our students and staff. As a member of the Fairfax County, Virginia, and National PTAs, we support their work for all U.S. school children and educators. Specifically, we:

  • Show Appreciation with Welcome Back and Teacher Appreciation meals to the entire school staff
  • Offer engaging programs and informative community-oriented meetings at our monthly meetings
  • Provide funds for teacher mini-grants, purchasing specialty equipment, supplies, and experiences for academic departments as needed
  • Fund several thousand dollars in college scholarships
  • Plan and run an amazing All Night Grad Party where our graduates celebrate together in a safe setting
  • Foster communication and relationships between the diverse communities and entities that make up SLHS through our class representatives
  • Help to support and build community

For treasurer forms including reimbursements and our bylaws, see the Documents and Forms page.

How You Can Help

  • Read our weekly email sent through News You Choose. To subscribe, go to the FCPS News You Choose web page and enter your email address. Under High Schools, open South Lakes High School and check South Lakes High School – PTSA and click Submit.
  • Join the SLHS PTSA. Membership funds support our goals. Invest in our children and our community. Students: Invest in yourselves.
  • Attend a PTSA Meeting — all are welcome!
  • Join the All Night Grad Party Committee.
  • Volunteer. Read our News You Choose weekly email for the latest volunteer opportunities. Questions? Contact president@southlakesptsa.org.